
How to order

How to order



Shipping cost

Shipping cost




1. Sport Depot JSC gives its customers a warranty with every purchased good, a warranty card on which are mentioned: • address and phone number of the authorized service repairers of the purchased appliances • the warranty terms of the relevant service


The Client has the right to refuse to receive the goods ordered by him for purchase in accordance with Art. 125 and Art 126 from the CPA, without owing compensation or penalty, or giving any reason for the refusal. The Client has the right to request an exchange of a size of and item or an item.....

Delivery rules for fitness equipment

Моля внимателно да се запознаете с настоящите правила за доставка на уреди, закупени от Спорт Депо АД!

Price list

Монтажът на всички спортни уреди е ПРЕПОРЪЧИТЕЛЕН, не задължителен. Необходимо е клиентите да се придържат към подробната инструкция за сглобяване.

Contact Information

Сграда Спорт Депо, Бизнес парк София, София 1766 тел.: 02 401 65 07, факс: 02 401 65 45 моб. тел: 089 677 52 97 e-mail: [email protected]